About this website's use of cookies

As you browse our website, we may on occasion place cookies on your device. This document explains which cookies we store, the diverse reasons why we store them and the choices that you have regarding their storage and use. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny files that are commonly placed on your computer/mobile device by most of the websites you visit. They enable you to access certain web pages, they store and retrieve information about your navigation of the website to help improve the website, and they make sure your preferences are retained for subsequent visits to the website.

The cookies we use

We use session cookies and persistent cookies on our website:

Session cookies: These are non-permanent cookies that are deleted when you close your browser. They they are employed to gather information about your activities as you browse our website.

Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on your computer/device for a predefined period and are used to record your preferences in order to provide a more personalized experience on repeat visits to the website.

The following list describes the types and functions of the cookies we use on our site:

Essential cookies: These cookies are required for the operation of our website. We may use these cookies to authenticate and identify website members, for example.

Performance/analytical cookies: These cookies enable us to make use of data analytics to measure the performance of our site and make improvements to it. They allow us, for example, to provide more content that is relevant to you.

Functionality cookies: These cookies allow our website to recognize you on return visits. This enables us to remember your username and chosen preferences so we can offer an enhanced experience whenever you use our website.

Targeting cookies: These are cookies that record your visits to our website, the pages you browse during your visits, and any links you follow. This data is used to ensure that any advertising on our website is relevant to your interests.

Third-party cookies

Third parties (e.g., advertising networks and web traffic analytics services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies collect data about your device and usage, typically for analytical, performance, or targeting purposes.

How you can exercise choice regarding cookies

You have several choices with regard to the use of cookies. These include blocking cookies or deleting previously stored cookies, both of which can be done in your browser settings. Blocking or deleting cookies may mean that you cannot access certain functions or services on the website, however.
